Celerity supports environment specific operation. If you are using the CelerityCLI handler this is handled automatically for you. The built CLI can read the environment from the ENV environment variable, an envproperty in a configuration file, or it can be passed as a command line flag to the run subcommand.

Celerity supports two operational environments Production and development which can be specified with “prod” and dev” respectively.

myserver run --env=prod
ENV=prod myserver run 

Failure responses

The environment changes how failed requests are processed and demonstraites a major difference between responding with Error or Fail. If a request is failed in development the error message will be sent to the client. In production it will be replaced with a generic error message.

func MyHandler(c celerity.Context) celerity.Response {
  err := myCriticalProcess()
  if err != nil {

Detecting the current environment

You can detect which environment you are running in from within the context.

func MyHandler(c celerity.Context) celerity.Response {
  if (c.Env == celerity.DEV) {
    // some debug specific code

  if (c.Env == celerity.PROD) {
    // Run only if we are in production
last modified Wednesday, June 27, 2018
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Response structure
Control the format that responses are given in or the JSON structure that is produced.
Celerity is maintained by 5Sigma. Source code is available at Github.