The CORS middleware adds CORS headers to requests within a scope. The headers can configured or default allow all host settings can be used.


The CORS headers can be configured using a CORSConfig structure.

type CORSConfig struct {
  AllowOrigins []string
  AllowMethods []string
  AllowHeaders []string
  AllowCredentials bool
  ExposeHeaders []string
  Age int

AllowOrigins - Allow origins can be a list of specific hosts to allow requests from or “” to allow requests from any hosts. (DEFAULT: []string{””})

AllowMethods - The specific methods that clients are allowed to request. This can be an empty array to allow all methods. (DEFAULT: []string{})

AllowHeaders - The headers the client is allowed to send. This can be an empty array to handle. (DEFAULT: []string{})

ExposeHeaders - The headers that the client is allowed to access. This can be set to an empty array to allow all. (DEFAULT: []string{})

Age - The maximum amount of time the client should cache the results before asking again. If set to “0” then no requests should be cached. (DEFAULT: 0)


Default options

  svr := celerity.New()

Configured options

  svr := celerity.New()
    AllowOrigins: []string{"", ""},
last modified Tuesday, July 3, 2018
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Celerity is maintained by 5Sigma. Source code is available at Github.