The request logger middleware logs out information about each request. The output format is customizable through its configuration, but it comes presetup with sane defaults.


A configuration structure can be generated and modified to alter the template the logger uses to output request information


The logger uses go templates to format the output. For more information check out In short you can specify one of several values that are provided to the template using {{ .object }} notation.

A few common values

Value Description
.Now The current time. To format this time use
.Context.Request.Method The HTTP method of the request (GET, PUT, PATCH, etc)
.Context.Request.URL.Path The path part of the incomming request URL
.RequestTime The amount of time the request took to process, in a human readable string
.StatusCode The numerical http status code of the request.
.StatusText The text version of the status code “Not Found”, “Internal Server Error”, etc
.Response.Success If the request was successful.
.Response.Error The error message, if available.

The entire context and response structures are also available and any values or methods on them can be used.


Default configuration

import (
celerity.HandleCLI(func() *celerity.Server{
  svr := celerity.New()

Custom configuration

import (

config := middleware.NewLoggerConfig()
config.ConsoleTemplate = "{{.Now.Format \"1/2/2006 15:04:05\"}} {{.URL.Path}}"
logger := middleware.RequestLoggerWithConfig(config)

celerity.HandleCLI(func() *celerity.Server{
  svr := celerity.New()
  return svr
last modified Tuesday, June 26, 2018
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Celerity is maintained by 5Sigma. Source code is available at Github.